#영어 필사

[10분 영어 필사] What is the healthiest rice? ① 필사 자료

펀치킹 2023. 4. 9. 22:53
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1. What is the healthiest rice? Here's the problem with that question, a nutrition scientist says.
어떤 게 가장 건강한 쌀일까? 여기 이 문제에 대한 궁금증을 제시한 영양과학자가 있다 

Clare Mulroy

2. Rice is the third most produced agricultural crop globally, just behind sugarcane and corn. 
쌀은 사탕수수와 옥수수 다음으로 세계에서 세번째로 많이 제공되는 곡물이다.

- sugarcane : 사탕수수

3. The top nine producers of rice are located in Asia, with China producing 28% of the world’s rice in 2019. That’s over 466,000 pounds. 
세계 top9의 쌀 생산자들은 아시아에 자리하고 있는데, 2019년 중국의 쌀 생산량이 전 세계의 28%에 달했다. 이는 466,000파운드를 넘는 양이다  

4. Rice has also been an important staple food around the world, with roots dating to 8,000 BC. 
쌀은 기원전 8천 년 부터 때부터 세계에서 가장 주요한 식량자원이다
- staple : 주요한, 주된
- with roots dating to 8,000 BC : 기원전 8천 년 전부터 뿌리내린

5. Being such a big part of daily diets, rice has naturally entered the healthy eating debate. 
매일 먹는 식단의 중요한 부분이 된 쌀은 자연스럽게 건강한 식습관과 관련된 논쟁에 들어가게 됐다 

- debate : 논쟁하다, 곰곰이 생각하다, 숙고하다 

6. Here’s what a nutrition scientist has to say about the question of the “healthiest” rice option.
여기 영양과학자가 제시한 가장 건강하게 쌀을 섭취하는 방법에 대한 궁금증이 있다 


7.Rice is a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, iron, folic acid, thiamin and niacin.
쌀은 마그네슘, 인, 망가니즈, 셀레늄, 철, 엽산, 비타민 B1, 니아신의 좋은 공급처다 

- magnesium : 마그네슘
- phosphourus : 인 (화학원소)
- manganese : 망가니즈 
- selenium : 셀레늄
- iron : 철
- folic acid : 엽산
- thiamin : 비타민 B1
- niacin : 니아신 

8. What is the healthiest rice?
가장 건강한 쌀은 무엇일까?

9. The question of the “healthiest rice” usually pits two types of rice against each other – white and brown. 
"가장 건강한 쌀"에 대한 궁금증은 대체로 두가지 타입의 쌀을 겨루게 한다 - 흰쌀과 황쌀

- pit against : ~와 맞붙이다, ~에 대항하게 하다, ~와 겨루게 하다 

10. And while one is often championed over the other, the answer really depends on what you’re looking for in your diet. 
하나의 쌀이 다른 쌀보다 종종 지지를 받지만, 이 문제의 답은 당신 식탁에 어떤 것이 올라가느냐에 달려있다.

- while : ~하는 동안, 잠깐, 잠시, 동안
- champion (over) : (동사) ~을 위해 싸우다, ~을 옹호하다 

11. It’s true – brown rice does have more fiber, fat and a touch more protein than white rice because of the way it’s processed. 
가공과정을 보았을 때 황쌀이 흰쌀보다 더 많은 식이섬유와 지방산, 그리고 더 거친 단백질을 가지고 있는 것은 사실이다

12. Whole grains are made of three parts: the germ, bran and endosperm.  
모든 곡물은 세 가지 파트로 구성되어 있다 : 배아와 겨, 배젓.

- germ : 세균, 미생물, 싹(배아)
- bran : 겨
- endosperm : 배유, 배젖

13. Brown rice contains all of those parts, but manufacturers remove the germ and bran for white rice.
황쌀은 이 새가지 파트를 다 가지고 있지만, 공장들은 흰쌀로부터 배아와 겨를 제거한다. 

14. If you’re looking to add more fiber to your diet, brown rice is a great way to do so.
당신이 만약 식단에 더 많은 식이섬유를 포함시키고 싶다면, 황쌀이 좋은 방법이 될 것이다. 

15. But in reality, all rice is going to be a healthy addition to your diet. 
하지만 실제로, 모든 쌀들은 당신의 식단에 건강한 부가물이 될 것이다. (건강하게 해줄 것이다.)

- addition : 부가물


16. For nutrition scientist Kera Nyemb-Diop, the question of the “healthiest rice” is one rooted in exclusion and harmful diet culture. 
영양과학자 케라 님 디옵에 따르면, 가장 건강한 쌀에 대한 질문은 배제와 유해한 식습관 문화에 뿌리를 둔 것이다.

- exclusion : 제외, 배제, 차단, 제외되는 것

17. “If rice was the only food we were eating, it would make sense (to ask that) because we’re interested in having a balance of nutrients and fiber, so of course I would say brown rice is more complete,” says Nyemb-Diop.
"만약 쌀이 우리가 먹는 유일한 음식물이라면 영양소와 섬유소의 밸런스를 중요하게 생각하는 우리들에게 그 질문은 의미가 있을테지만, 그리고 당연하게도 황쌀이 더 유익할 것이라고 나도 말해주겠지만!" 


18. “But when you look at the reality, people eat meals.”
"하지만 실제로 사람들은 (갖춰진) 식사를 한다."고 님 디포는 말한다.   

- nutrients : 영양학, 영양소
- fiber : 섬유, 섬유질, 섬유 조직, 섬유소
          (소질, 성질, 기질, 성격, 근성, 정신력, 강도, 내구성)
- complete : 가능한 최대의, 완벽한, 갖춰진, 완전한
             (동사) 완료하다, 끝마치다 
- meal : 식사

19. Rice is more frequently matched with a protein and vegetable than it is eaten on its own, making it just one component of a healthy, balanced plate. 
쌀은 단일로 섭취되기보단 빈번하게 단백질과 야채들과 매치되 건강하고 균형잡힌 식사의 한 요소가 된다.  

- component : (구성)요소, 부품

20. If you’re looking for a more fiber-rich meal but don’t like the taste of brown rice, there are so many high-fiber vegetables to pair alongside white rice.
만약 당신이 더 많은 섬유질이 포함된 식단을 원하는데 황쌀의 식감을 싫어한다면, 흰쌀에 곁들여 먹을 수 있는 고섬유소의 채소들이 굉장히 많다. 

- alongside : ~옆에, 나란히, ~와 함께, ~와 동시에

21. “The beauty of nutrition is that you have so many options,” Nyemb-Diop says. 
"영양학의 매력은 옵션이 많다는 것이다" 님 디포는 말한다.

23.“I’m really sorry to see how nutrition has become like a prescription or a religion that you have to follow and if you don’t follow it, you’re wrong.”
"영양학이 처방전 같아지거나, 당신이 따르고 싶은, 그리고 따르지 않으면 잘못됬다고 믿게되는 종교와도 같은 믿음이 된다는 걸 보여주는 게 굉장히 죄송스럽다."

- prescription : 처방전, 처방된 약, 처방, 맞춤의
- religion : 종교, 종교와도 같은 것, -교, 아주 중요한 것 


24. Ideally, Nyemb-Diop says people should enjoy a variety of rice in their diet, whether that be white rice, brown rice, basmati rice, arborio rice, jasmine rice or other kinds. 
이상적으로, 님 디포는 사람들은 식단 속에서 흰쌀이든, 황쌀이든, 바스마티 쌀이든, 자스민 쌀이든 혹은 어떤 다른 종류의 쌀이든 다양한 쌀을 먹는 걸 즐겨야만 한다고 말한다.

- Ideally : 이상적으로 
- whether : 이든, 인지
- basmati (rice) : 바스마티 (쌀)

25. What is the healthiest vegetable?:Here are some great nutrient-dense options
가장 건강한 야채는 무엇인가? : 완벽한 영양 밀집도의 옵션들이 몇 가지 있다

- dense : 빽빽한, 밀집한, 짙은, (비격식) 멍청한 

26. What is the healthiest nut?:Add these two to your daily diet for cognitive benefits and much more
가장 건강한 견과류는 무엇인가? : 인지 혜택과 그 이상을 위해 이중 두가지를 당신의 식단에 넣어라

- cognitive : 인식의, 인지적인

원문 : https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/2023/04/09/what-is-the-healthiest-rice/11615353002/


What is the healthiest rice? Here's the problem with that question, a nutrition scientist says.

The question of the healthiest rice doesn't have an easy answer, says nutrition scientist Kera Nyemb-Diop. Here's why the debate can turn unhealthy.



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[10분 영어 필사] What is the healthiest rice? Here's the problem with that question, a nutrition scientist says ② / 영

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